Just Too Busy Being Fabulous
I'm seriously behind guys, but never fear! I shall prevail and get back to my regular updates soon.
Anyway, where were we? Oh yeah, Tuesday. Well, Tuesday saw me wake up exceptionally early and jumping in the car to get to Copenhagen to pick up Helene from the Airport. We left before sunrise (which happened to be occurring at an amazingly early "quarter to nine" that morning.) With us for the trip was a little girl that lives next door that Helene has babysat for several years. She was adorable and tried to teach me Danish by pointing at things and naming them, then demanding I repeat it. She liked to test me too, periodically pointing at things and ordering me to say them "en Dansk". After we stopped to have lunch with Nina's Dad and his Girlfriend, we continued on to the Airport.

As per Helene's requests, when she came through the doors of arrival, we were there, waving multiple danish flags. The drive back however, proved a tad horrendous on my part as my chronic car sickness struck with a vengeance. No actual spew, luckily, but after 3 hours of nausea, death had seemed rather appealing. To contrast my disgusting feelings, I took some lovely photos of the sunset. (I put a lot, because it takes a lot of pretty to offset that much yuck)
It was quite a strange evening when we got back, as Helene kept switching between English and Danish and generally confusing everyone in her exhaustion.
The next day of school consisted of playing card games with Freddy and his friends for the majority of the lessons (last week of school, nobody can be bothered). When we got home, Helene was wrapping her Christmas gifts (Seriously, she was so productive the day after her 23 hours of travel. Way better than me.) After she had finished, she took me along to a jeweller's to see if she could get a bracelet her boyfriend (An Aussie she had picked up during her 4 month tour of Oz) had gotten her from Prouds (I was given a scathing rant about Prouds unhelpfulness in the situation). Then I spent the rest of the evening reading (Just as a side note, I was counting the number of books I have read on wattpad in the last year- Not including the times I have re-read many of them, nor the numerous physical books I have in the metre high stack by my bed- and counted 328. That's nearly a book per day, I hear you exclaim. Why yes, I do actually read that much, and enjoy it thoroughly. I have a social life, I swear. Don't you judge me. )
Anyway, Thursday presented me with a new set of challenges. After a brief day of school (and a weird lunch from the cafeteria that consisted of a large turkey breast encrusted in cornflakes and baked. The texture was weird, but the taste was not entirely unpleasant) I had to leave to meet up with Mathilde, as Freddy was getting his big SRP this afternoon at 3 (If you have forgotten, this is a massive piece of assessment that helps determine his final results. The school actually gives him a whole week off school to complete this, which includes a 15 page essay and a whole bunch of research.)
The problem with meeting up with Mathilde is that it involved both me, and public transport.
First of all, usually Mathilde sends me a photo of the bus schedule and tells me exactly what bus to get on, when and how many stops I am supposed to stay on for. Not today though, oh no, not this fateful Thursday. No, Freddy was sent the photo, and I was told "Get on bus 5". First of all, there are two bus stops, on opposite sides of the road. I didn't know what side I was supposed to be on, but figured it was most likely the one we had take the most often. Problem solved, right? Anyway, Freddy had mentioned that the bus would be coming at quarter to 2, so when bus 005 turned up at 1:40, I nearly got on it. The problem was, it was a blue bus. The blue buses here are city buses, and the Yellow ones are the ones just for Kolding. I wrestled with myself for several agonising seconds before deciding I wouldn't get on. However, as soon as I saw the bus rolling away around the corner, I felt my stomach drop. It was at this point that I frantically contacted Freddy. I'll share our convo with you for the sake of laziness-

At that moment, Yellow bus no. five came past, on the other side of the road, traveling the other direction. This sent a new wave of panic.

So as you can see, Freddy called me at that point. As I had been writing to him, I was sitting at the bus stop. Apparently you have to stand up for the bus to stop, so just as I answered the call, Yellow bus number 5 rolled on past and kept going. While our talk was brief, it consisted of many instructions and repeat reminders of my incompetence. Freddy told me then that since I had missed quarter to 2 bus 5, I would actually have to get on bus 4 that would come at 6 past 2. I asked about bus number 3, and he said something about it being later. He told me that he would message Mathilde and let her know that I would be coming later than planned.
After our phone call, I saw yellow bus three rolling up to the stop and made a decision. I was getting on. As soon as my buttoc hit the seat, however, I had a sudden sense of panic. What if Freddy meant that bus three would get to the bus terminal later?! I desperately tried to send him the message that I had gotten on on bus three, but the limited wifi I had had from the school was out of range by then and communications had gone dark. While we drove, I was internally panicking. The route this bus was taking was slightly different than our usual bus takes. I was sure that I was going to end up in Germany, and was considering jumping out at the next stop and staying there until someone found me.
The loudspeaker didn't help either. As it was announcing the next stops (In Danish-Siri's voice) I was trying to remember if it sounded the same as the usual bus, and which one was the main bus terminal. All of a sudden, we came up towards the Bus terminal and I desperately got off. There was Mathilde, waiting for me. Because I had missed that first bus, we ended up walking to the Music school, where that night we performed in a cute little concert, playing Away in a Manger and Jingle bells. Straight away afterwards, we rushed to leave, because 15 minutes later Nina's Mum was performing in a Gospel Choir, in a church across town.
Being a church kid myself, I thought I knew what I was in for. Wrong. The churches here are astonishing- incredibly high ceilings, grand pillars, dazzling lights etc. In short, you have to be there to truly appreciate the grandeur and magnitude of the place.

The singing was amazing, especially the conductor, whose guest vocals absolutely slayed. Most of the songs were in english too, which was a plus. The highlight of the evening was when they broke out in the version of "Joyful, Joyful" from Sister act, complete with the rap. It was absolutely hilarious.
That's where I will leave you, I'll catch you upon the weekend in my next post.
Be kind everybody, and Merry Christmas!