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Fresh out Thrift Shop Walking, A little Bit of Humble

Wednesday started with three tiny chocolates in my bowl and the day continued up from there. Unlike most days, I would be going to Mathilde's "artsy/ hispster" school because Freddy actually had to go to the Military to hand in school documents and do a test that would determine a number he would be given. If his number is picked then he has to do around a year of military training. I found the concept of conscription kind of mind boggling, especially when you think that Freddy is only two months older than my brother Lachie. Freddy won't know whether he has to go until May next year, but he said that he doesn't mind either way, as he would get paid really well for doing the training.

Anyway, I managed to royally stuff up the morning, as after I left my bus card back at the house, the trip back to get it caused us to miss the bus. The next bus didn't come for another hour, so we ended up late to school (great first impression, I know).

Mathilde's school is much more like my school, from the classes to the layout. The first class we had was English, which for some reason, I was really good at. Between classes, the students, that were much closer to my age than at freddy's school, were kind of fascinated with me. They asked me all sorts of questions about Australia and asked me to "speak Australian", and say the most Australian thing I could. The best I could come up with off the top of my head was, "Thesarvo Bazza is gonna smash out some didgeridoo" (Don't judge me, it's harder than you think).

Next class was maths, which I once again ignored (I have done enough exponential functions in the last term), and then we had lunch. I bought some pork with gravy, potatoes and the purple stuff, which was delicious. Unfortunately, my new status as a cool kid meant that everyone was trying to talk with me and when it was time to go back to class I hadn't finished, and instead had to shove the remaining food in my mouth in a hurry and didn't get to savour it.

The last class of the day was physics, in which the teacher didn't even notice that I was an imposter, let alone that I had no idea what he was saying. That class done with, we were done for the day, and decided to do some exploring until the bus came. First, Mathilde and one of her friends took me to the local Op-shop, which was more like a Salvo's one at home and much larger than that of the previous day. We spent a decent amount of time in there and we found the crappiest of craptacular gifts(you would have loved this one Dad) , a gold necklace with a life sized, golden walnut on it. It was bad. so, so bad. The best part of this story is that Mathilde's friend actually bought it. I ended up buying a swimsuit because Freddy has a friend that will let us into an indoor pool after hours. For some reason, it didn't occur to me when I was packing for this trip to pack a pair of swimmers and a rashie.

We explored the city some more, and I got to take some beautiful pictures of the scenery as it wasn't even that cold outside (around 8 degrees). We parted ways with Mathilde's friend and grabbed the bus home, where we actually had no running about to so that evening.

Later in the afternoon, I was summoned by Freddy to help with packing the meat. Apparently the family gets a massive shipment of pork once a year that is packaged into little usable amounts and frozen (in one of their 4 chest freezers) until needed. It took 4 of us working an hour to completely package all the meat, some of which ended up in dinner later that night.

After dinner, Mathilde needed some help with her music homework, so I (and later Freddy) worked to think of songs that use specific notes in them (some of the best ones include the lion king, superman, and nearly a piece from the corpse bride.

Setting my alarm clock for 6:20 am, I finally got to bed at around 11.

Happily running on empty guys, not gonna lie.

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