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One Week 'Till D-Day

So it's officially one week out from day I start what I like to think of as my 'Adventure into the Great Unknown'. Final preparations are underway, including finalising gifts and practising playing tetris with my luggage to make everything fit.

I just tried on my thermals with my duck-down jacket and the like, finishing with a total of five layers. To my immense disappointment I still managed to be only *slightly* warm. Only I could feel comfortable in five layers (including a ski jacket) in the Australian Summer. I have been warned numerous times by my host family that it will be "Freezing", and considering they are acclimatised to that kind of weather, my likelihood of death via hypothermia seems to be increasing.

Nevertheless, when overseas I shall continue to add layers until desired warmth is achieved, even if I end up looking like the stay-puffed marshmallow man in the process.

Apart from all that, I only have 8 exams and 1 assignment standing between me and sweet, sweet freedom.

Let's hope I live that long.

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